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Patient Rights

Patient Rights

Right To Information
Right To Informed Consent
Right To Non-discrimination
Right To Safety & Quality Care
Right to Patient Education

Every patient has a right to adequate relevant information about the nature, cause of illness, provisional / confirmed diagnosis, proposed investigations and management, and possible complications To be explained at their level of understanding in language known to them.

The treating physician has a duty to ensure that this information is provided in simple and intelligible language to the patient to be communicated either personally by the physician, or by means of his / her qualified assistants.

Reference : –

  • Annexure 8, Clinical Establishment Act 2010
  • MCI Code of Ethics
  • Patients Charter by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH)
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Every patient has a right that informed consent must be sought prior to any potentially hazardous test / treatment (e.g. invasive investigation / surgery / chemotherapy) which carries certain risks.

It is the duty of the hospital management to ensure that all concerned doctors are properly instructed to seek informed consent, that an appropriate policy is adopted and that consent forms with protocol for seeking informed consent are provided for patients in an obligatory manner.

It is the duty of the primary treating doctor administering the potentially hazardous test / treatment to explain to the patient and caregivers the main risks that are involved in the procedure, and after giving this information, the doctor may proceed only if consent has been given in writing by the patient / caregiver or in the manner explained under Drugs and Cosmetic Act Rules 2016 on informed consent.

Reference : –

  • MCI Code of Ethics section 7.16
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
  • Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940, Rules 2016 on Informed Consent

Every patient has the right to receive treatment without any discrimination based on his or her illnesses or conditions, including HIV status or other health condition, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, linguistic or geographical /social origins.

The hospital management has a duty to ensure that no form of discriminatory behaviour or treatment takes place with any person under the hospital’s care. The hospital management must regularly orient and instruct all its doctors and staff regarding the same.

Reference : –

  • Annexure 8 of standards for Hospital level 1 by National Clinical Establishments Council set up as per Clinical Establishment Act 2010

Patients have a right to safety and security in the hospital premises. They have a right to be provided with care in an environment having requisite cleanliness, infection control measures, safe drinking water as per BIS/FSSAI Standards and sanitation facilities. The hospital management has a duty to ensure safety of all patients in its premises including clean premises and provision for infection control. Patients have a right to receive quality health care according to currently accepted standards, norms and standard guidelines as per National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH) or similar. They have a right to be
attended to, treated and cared for with due skill, and in a professional manner in complete consonance with the principles of medical ethics. Patients and caretakers have a right to seek redressal in case of perceived medical negligence or damaged caused due to deliberate deficiency in service delivery.

Reference : –

  • Clinical establishments (Central Government) Rules 2012
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Patients have the right to receive education about major facts relevant to his/her condition and healthy living practices, their rights and responsibilities, officially supported health insurance schemes relevant to the patient, relevant entitlements in case of charitable hospitals, and how to seek redressal of grievances in the language the patients understand or seek the education.

The hospital management and treating physician have a duty to provide such education to each patient according to standard procedure in the language the patients understand and communicate in a simple and easy to understand manner.

Reference : –

  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
  • Standards for Hospital level 1 by National Clinical Establishments Council set up as per Clinical Establishment Act 2010